
I’m now a contributor to FanFiAddict!


Looking for my posts and reviews? I’m now a contributor to fanfiaddict.com!

While some posts may appear here the vast majority of my work can be found here, with my posts all being collected here.

You’ll find book reviews, round ups, author chats, a podcast and more!

Of Honey and Wildfires – Honest Book Review

Rating: ★★★★  (4/5)

Series: Songs of Sefate #1

Genre: Fantasy


I’m going to start by saying wow, I was utterly blown away by Sarah Chorn’s lyrical writing. It took me a moment to get used to because it’s such a different writing style to what I usually read, but quickly enough I was swept up in the writing.

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Into The Heartless Wood – Honest Book Review

Rating: ★★★★  (4/5)


Genre: YA, Dark Fantasy


In all honesty I picked this book up because it was all over Instagram and it looked beautiful. Thankfully, this is one of those times where a cover buy works out and the story within is just as beautiful as the outside is.

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Shards of Earth – Honest Book Review

I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Expected Publication: May 27th, 2021

Rating: ★★★★  (4/5)

Series: The Final Architects Triology #1

Genre: Sci-Fi.


Adrian Tchaikovsky has written another winner, and, naturally, it’s filled with animal-inspired aliens you can’t help but love. Crab-like creatures who makes great accountants, anyone? This is the start to a truly epic adventure that sees you travel across the universe, visiting various planets and experiencing the unspace. The unspace is a particular favourite of mine. Tchaikovsky has taken FTL travel and made the bit in-between a terrifying non-existent place where no one but you exists. Plus there’s a presence that might just drive you insane.

Continue reading “Shards of Earth – Honest Book Review”

The Witch’s Heart – Honest Book Review

I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Expected Publication: May 4th, 2021

Rating: ★★★★  (5/5)


Genre: Fantasy, Myth Retelling.


I completely and utterly fell in love with this book. There’s been a rise recently in myth retellings and The Witch’s Heart deserves a place among the best of them. Norse mythology is a favourite of mine and somehow I never knew of Angrboda’s story, so I’m eternally grateful that Genevieve Gornichec decided to take her story and turn it into this beautiful book.

Continue reading “The Witch’s Heart – Honest Book Review”

House of Styx – Honest Book Review

I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Expected Publication: April 15th, 2021

Rating: ★★★ (5/5)

Series: Venus Ascendant #1


When my first reaction to a finishing a book is to shout about how it can’t end like that and to immediately scour the internet for mention of the sequel and when I might get to read it, you know you’ve found a winner. That’s exactly what happened with House of Styx.

Continue reading “House of Styx – Honest Book Review”

The Cottingley Cuckoo – Honest Book Review

I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Expected Publication: April 14th, 2021

Rating: ★★★ (3/5)



In all honestly several days after finishing this book I’m still not entirely sure how I feel about it. It was a pretty speedy read for me, and I read it in only a couple of sittings, but I couldn’t help but feel slightly disappointed by the ending. I thought we were leading up to a big reveal of some sorts, but I actually just felt like I was left with a lot of questions and a somewhat disappointing finale.

Continue reading “The Cottingley Cuckoo – Honest Book Review”

Birds of Paradise – Honest Book Review

I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Expected Publication: April 8th, 2021

Rating: ★★★★ (4/5)



My goodness I really enjoyed this one. We follow Adam, the first man, who has been alive all this time living many many different lives all over the world. His weary, indifferent view on the world and humanity actually makes him a wonderful character to follow. All of humanity are his children, but instead of being overly protective Adam is indifferent to them, and will kill without mercy or regret when he needs to. However, if its an animal Adam is protective and this is where his emotion really shines through. The surrounding characters are animals who were also in Eden and have been around as long as Adam have, including creatures like Butterfly, Pig and Magpie, they’re all animals in human form. Adam deeply cares for these characters and they really are shining stars of this show.

Continue reading “Birds of Paradise – Honest Book Review”

Whisper Down the Lane – Honest Book Review

I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Expected Publication: April 6th, 2021

Rating: ★★★ (3/5)



TW// graphic animal deaths, reports of child abuse, suicide.

Whisper Down the Lane is a book I read in under 24 hours. It captured me and didn’t let me go until the very end. There’s this sense of not knowing what is real and what isn’t, with just hints of what might be the truth throughout. I didn’t experience the Satanic Panic, but there’s still this sense that it could very easily happen in the real world. That fear and paranoia mixed with biases could twist a narrative and create evil where there is none. Whisper Down the Lane is based on true events, and it really gives it a very real foundation.

Continue reading “Whisper Down the Lane – Honest Book Review”

Sistersong – Honest Book Review

I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Expected Publication: April 1st, 2021

Rating: ★★★★★ (5/5)



I’m just say please buy this book, please read it, please experience it and please feel all the feelings it’s going to give you. It entirely caught me out by just how much emotional punch it has and those last 100 pages are going to have you rollercoastering through so many emotions. I wanted to cry happy tears at the end, the kind of tears where your heart has been broken but then fixed just enough that you feel almost happy again.

Continue reading “Sistersong – Honest Book Review”